Friday, May 20, 2011

Day By Day

It seems that I get weaker each day that goes by. Slowly, but definitely weaker.

I've been getting a lot of visiters which is nice. This past week was highlighted by a visit from my nephew Matthew.

Carry on.



  1. my thoughts and prayers are with you


  2. another computer lesson i love you

  3. Jerry -- I had been trying to write something on your last blog "This is how it should be". The comments there were so touching that I just didn't know how to measure up to them. As with all the notes to you from others, they were thoughtful, to the point, and always open and full of feeling. My words would only reflect what they were saying. You have a following who are with you all the time, thru your ups and downs, and your words reflect back on them. And why this closeness of affection?? Simply because you are -- you.

    Prayers are ongoing.
    Auntie Eleanor

  4. I've been praying for you as I am sure others are. May you have only sunshine, smile, laughter, love and comfort. And I want to thank you for taking the time to e-mail me when my mother was fighting that same fight. I will always keep you and your family close in my heart and mind.
    With love to all of you,

  5. Wish we could be one of your visitors! Close your eyes and think of us there(please think of me thin!) Love you and Terry too! xo

  6. Praying for you Jerry for comfort and peace.

  7. Jerry, I am a writer, yet words escape me to express how special you truly are, but I'll try. I fear that anything I write will be conceived as coming only because you are dying, but actually all of us are in that process.

    You have been so refreshingly candid and transparent. You have shown us all how to carry on with the cards we're been dealt...with grace. You have given kind words and encouragement to everyone. I was honored that you honored Larry with your blog several times. I'm proud that he could encourage you. As our bodies weaken, there is no time left to travel or keep in contact easily, but you have reached out to pass on the encouragement.

    I wish you a peaceful transition because I am confident that the very best surprise awaits you. All of the anxiety, the pain, emotional and physical, will be relieved as you breathe your first sampling of fresh, celestial air.

    Jerry, I've never met you, but my soul knows you very, very well. Larry blessed you. You have blessed me. Let the encouragement continue in a neverending chain.

    When we (Larry and I) next see you, let's go out and have a big meal! No nauseating smells. No trouble swallowing. No fear of anything being unhealthy. No worry about not having time to get together. Five thousand years from now, none of us will even recall how we got on the other shore!

    Your friend forever...and a day,

    Marilee Alvey

  8. You are a blessing to all of us. You show us how we should live our life, enjoying the moments. Praying for you and yours during this time.
