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Thursday, July 2, 2009

Medical Update

Yesterday I completed my 17th round of chemo. The last cycle was a three week cycle, a week longer than the previous routine. That gave me two weeks free after the treatment week. I must say I enjoyed the extra week. I had more energy and utilized it well. It was the most productive week I’ve had in a long time although I still function like an old man. But that’s not a complaint. I’ll be happy to get older. Unfortunately my neuropathy has been getting worse. When I bend my neck forward I can feel a jolt in my toes. I know it’s weird but the chemo screws around with the nervous system. When I described this to Dr. George she was concerned. She said the toxins were building up in my system. She immediately said to go four weeks with this next cycle. Although I look forward to the time off I’m concerned that the extra time will allow the cancer to thrive more. I’m also concerned about the neuropathy. I guess it’s all part of the balancing act. It’s all part of the cruise. Dr. George informed me that I tested positive for the HER2 gene. Actually I think my tumors tested positive. Way to go tumors! This means that if at some point in the future we need another weapon we may get results from Herceptin, a drug that has been somewhat successful for breast cancer and shows some positive signs for fighting gastric cancers. Each time I have a chemo treatment they do a blood test that monitors, among other things, liver function. I’m happy to report that my liver is hanging in there after being seriously compromised before treatments began. I love my liver. I had a brief scare. After working in the yard during my extra week off I thought I had picked up a deer tick on my arm. I’m no expert but to me it looked like the textbook example of a deer tick. You can see a picture of it on my arm by clicking below. Click here to see the deer tick on my arm Dr. George confirmed that it was in fact a deer tick. Thankfully it was easily removed. Carry on. -------------------------------------------------------------------

1 comment:

  1. It's Aliiiiiiivvvvveeeeeee still?????
    I thought you killed that deer tick a long time ago!!!
    I miss Mr. Deer!
    Have a great 4th Jrrrrrr.. and tell Oscar to hide now!
